Category Archives

A plate of fruit.

Is All Fruit Healthy for Teeth?

Fruit is a fantastic snack, and can be a great addition to a healthy diet. But, sometimes fruit can be unhealthy for teeth and be a destructive force on tooth enamel. Citrus Fruits Citric fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons and tangerines have a high amount of acid in them that can lead to tooth enamel erosion. […]

The 4 Worst Fast Food Drinks for Teeth

Fast food is often a necessity for busy parents that need to feed their family with a quick meal. But, Some drinks on the fast food menu are absolutely terrible for teeth. Sugar is the Problem  Sugar feeds the harmful bacteria on teeth, and creates acid that erodes enamel. This causes plaque and ultimately cavities, which […]

girl smiling in dental chair

What Parents Need to Know about Dental Sealants

There are many ways that dentists help children grow healthy smiles that last a lifetime. One common tool used by dentists are dental sealants, which help prevent cavities from occurring in molars. Here’s everything parents need to know about dental sealants.  How do Dental Sealants Work? Food left on teeth fuels bad bacteria that cause cavities by giving them […]

Keep Your Child in Class by Fighting the Tooth Decay Epidemic 

Did you know that students with oral health problems are three times more likely to miss school? Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic conditions in children with over 60% of children age 5 having already had at least one cavity. Tooth decay is painful and distracting, and can cause your child to lose focus in school or even prevent them from participating in the […]

More important than you think: Picking your Child’s Perfect Toothbrush

Often overlooked and under considered, it is vital that you take the time to buy the right toothbrush for your child. By selecting the proper toothbrush, you can help your child obtain a healthier smile with ease and comfort. Below are some smart shopping guidelines to consider when buying your child’s next toothbrush. Size The toothbrush head should be […]

Enamel Erosion and How to Avoid It 

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and the first line of defense against cavities and tooth decay. Despite its strength, tooth enamel can be eroded by acid, and leave your teeth susceptible to cavities. But, you can take some simple steps to avoid tooth enamel erosion, and strengthen your teeth. What Causes Enamel […]

Can Cavities Lead to Other Disease? 

The World Health Organization reports that worldwide, 60–90% of school children and nearly 100% of adults have dental cavities. But, did you know that cavities could leave you more prone to other illnesses? Read about the correlation between cavities and other diseases below. Tooth Decay Can Make You More Prone to Infection Severe cavities and tooth decay are major causes of […]

Stop! Don’t Brush Your Teeth Until You Read This.

Did you know that you should wait at least an hour after eating before brushing? In fact, brushing immediately after a meal may actually damage your teeth. Why Shouldn’t I Brush Right After Eating? Your tooth enamel works to protect your teeth, but acids created by food can wear away your enamel.  During meals, acid […]

7 Steps to Prevent Childhood Cavities

Tooth decay is the most common childhood disease, and what’s worse is that 20% of children’s cavities are left untreated. But there’s good news: cavities are nearly 100% preventable. Follow these seven steps to prevent cavities in your children’s teeth, and save a trip to the dentist! Pick a Dental Home by Age One Pediatric […]